
English is Context – Practical pragmatics for clear communication (DELTA)

English is Context is as enjoyable to read as it will be enjoyable to teach. It is amusing, yet with authority; provocative, yet without giving offence; unexpected, yet with clarity.
English is Context helps teachers and, what is hugely important, helps their students to really understand – through English in context – how English is context.”
Mike Burghall

Lindsay Clandfield

“Encouraging learners to share their stories of how they, or others, pragmatically failed when attempting to use language in a real-life context will open a can of worms – each example releasing a bunch of experiences, with learners learning from one another.
As they do, the role of the teacher changes to one of a guide – leading the class in their linguistic exploration.
The discoveries you will make together on the way say as much about you and the language you are trying to teach as about the learners themselves – as, in the process, they climb from competent to distinguished: to a higher and broader awareness of language.
And rather than speaking dismissively of ‘failures’, you can help your learners focus on what they have already learnt from the experience, and how they can succeed… pragmatically!”
Andreas Grundtvig

“English, as any language, is infused with its own contexts.
Constructing and understanding meanings in English relies on knowing its pragmatics.
So, sit back and let the expert tour guides take you on an informative and entertaining journey through the wonderful landscape of English and pragmatics in English is Context!”
Jonathan Culpeper

ISBN: 9783125017429
Author: Andreas Grundtvig
Illustrator: Alma Visockaite-Grundtvig
Preface by Jonathan Culpeper
Editor: Mike Burghall
Publisher: DELTA Publishing / Klett

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